After spending the past years researching all aspects of magical lore, we have come together now to compile our findings into a series of twenty-six books.
that's right - twenty-six!
These books - ranging from A-Z - will cover each of the magical fields individually and thoroughly, and combine to form an encyclopaedic set from which any and all magical information can be drawn at will.
As well as this set of Core Books, we will also be creating a Supporting Book to sit alongside each one. These further twenty-six 'minibooks' will delve even deeper into a specific area of study from within their category.
A series of additional items will also be made available within the book categories, such as Posters & Postcards featuring work from the T.o.M.E.
We offer all of this to you, dear Reader, in the hope that it will bring
newfound knowledge, supplement your skills, and provide enigmatic enlightenment to the lost magical arts.